Saturday, August 13, 2011

Kim Kardashian Embarrasses Herself In Dance Class

Kim Kardashian may have improved her dance skills on ‘Dancing With The Stars,’ but that didn’t stop her from embarrassing herself in dance class. According to recent celebrity news, the gorgeous reality star humiliated herself after she totally blanked on the steps to the dance she was supposed to be performing in front of her classmates.

In a sneak peek from the upcoming ‘Keeping Up With The Kardashians’ episode, Kim is seen attending a dance class—a hip-hop dance class, it seems like—and she just looks absolutely clueless as she stands there awkwardly while everyone else learns the steps to the routine.

She admits,“Every single person in this class can dance 10 times better than I ever could. I can’t even understand what the dance teacher is saying.”

When the dance instructor tells them to split into pairs and dance in front of the rest of the class, a nerve-wracked Kim actually starts biting her fingernails!

Each pair takes their turn doing the routine in front of everyone, and when Kim’s turn comes around, she just stands there staring at her partner. Finally, she walks back to the sidelines and announces,“I don’t remember it! I’ll just watch.”

Kim later shares, “This is probably one of the most humiliating experiences of my life… It was actually more fun to be kicked offstage by Prince than it is to sit and be humiliates in this dance class.”

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